The All Hallows' Eve ball is an annual event for the dead; the one night a year they can eat, drink, and physically interact with the world. The occasion calls for a ball, a feast, and a little ceremony to mark another important occurrence; the falling of the Hanging Tree's seeds, which are known to grant wishes to the dead. If the tree has any fruit to bear, it will be on this night of all nights.
The Event
The ball is presided over by its Hosts; spirits who have previously been granted wishes by the Hanging Tree. Each class of spirit has a host who best exemplifies them, with the exception of the Disavowed.
The Hanging Tree
The All Hallows' Eve ball centres around the Hanging Tree, which grows within All Hallows' Hall. The tree exists between the worlds and produces a limited number of seeds. Claiming one of these seeds allows a spirit to be granted a wish, whatever that may be. Will you wish yourself back to life? Grant good fortune to your descendants? Or simply demand satisfaction for a duel long lost?
Spirits attending the ball may be vying for one of these wishes, among other things. Being given one will not be an easy task and will rely on defeating, impressing, outsmarting, or charming the hosts of the ball.

A Victorian mortician dedicated to the afterlife even before death.

A noble Templar knight suffering from a wound to his heart.

Daisy D
A housewife of the 1950s with a penchant for big ideas and bigger hair.

A renowned Witchfinder burdened by the chip on his shoulder.

A man turned rotting husk under the influence of the Hanging Tree.