Players can choose from six classes of spirit for their character. Each class has a unique ability, detailed in the gamebook, reflecting their overarching motivation in death. These classes are not formally divided into factions, though they may find the most obvious kinship with others like them.

The Duty Bound
The Duty Bound have found a purpose in death, though it may not be the one they had in life. They feel eternally devoted to pursuing their goal, with a strong faith in their reason for doing so. What this reason is or whether the motivation is respectable is up to each player. Duty Bound spirits may be watching over their descendants, warding intruders off their sacred sites, or simply marching ever onwards to a battle long concluded.
The Grieving
The Grieving are those who lived - and died - in tragedy. Whatever contentment they may find in death, their hearts are always drawn back to an overwhelming sorrow. They long to fill the void created during their lives, either by replacing what they’ve lost or seeking to remedy their affliction. Grieving spirits may be searching for past loves, wanting answers from their murderers, or simply distraught that their legacy has been forgotten.

The Revellers
The Revellers think themselves better off dead than alive. Whether their mortal years were struck by misfortune or plagued by oppression, they are of the opinion that being a spirit is not terrible in the slightest. All Hallows’ Eve is merely the cherry on top of an enjoyable existence, weaving around the living as they please. Reveller spirits may be travellers of the world, messengers of the ghostly realm, or simply those with an eternally positive attitude.

The Vengeful
The Vengeful hold onto their grudges, justified or otherwise. They are consumed by a belief that they were wronged in life and intend to rectify this in death. They see their anger as righteous, with maliciousness or violence towards those who scorned them as equally warranted. Vengeful spirits may desire payback on their killers, want to ruin the legacy of their enemies, or simply be unable to let go of a petty argument they left unfinished.

The Rotten
The Rotten walk the razor's edge between spirits and monsters. They do not cling to what they were in life or even value their humanity at all. They have embraced the dark in which dead things lurk, bored by the pretence of acting as mortals do. They are the withered fingers that beckon for curious mortals to stray. Rotten spirits may intend to drag their fellows down to their level, hunger for blood to spill, or simply enjoy the suffering of those around them.

The Disavowed
The Disavowed are those clinging to a lie, be it delusion or deceit. They hold firm to a falsehood about themselves, their life, or their death. There is something they refuse to admit, acknowledge, or address. It will take an immense pressure or overwhelming realisation to shatter their facade, and with it they will become their true selves; a different Spirit entirely. Disavowed Spirits may be pretending their lover is still alive despite having poisoned them, claiming to have been killed honorably in battle when they fled the field, or simply be Spirits who refuse to believe they are dead.